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Genindexe a brand of the laboratory Labofarm

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Laboratory LABOFARM and GENINDEXE merges within FINALAB.
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Our laboratories

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Bio Chêne Vert

Logo BCV

Bio Chêne Vert, laboratory of the group FINALAB, includes 4 laboratories of veterinary biology :

  • Châteaubourg ( Ille-et-Vilaine), historic and private leading site in this business sector,
  • Essarts ( Vendée), formerly VTBio and previously Laboratory of the Mill and on 1996,
  • Secondigny (Deux-Sèvres), formerly VTBio taken back by Finalab in 2004,
  • Arzacq-Arraziguet ( Pyrénées-Altantiques), animal ex-health of the laboratory A Bio C taken back in 2010.


With a team of forty complementary, motivated and very qualified collaborators, (biologists, bacteriologists, quality control managers, technicians, administration staff), our laboratories validate 2000 files of weekly analyses.

They answer the most demanding standards by guaranteeing you a big reliability of analyses and a security of the staff of high quality (principle of the walking forward, easily washable materials and desinfectable, business parks separated by airlocks, filtration of the air, system of depression-overpressure).

Our site of production are also equipped with material of recent technology contributing to the reliability and to the speed of the realized examinations (p. Eg, Automaton of preparation of distribution, mass spectrometer).

Over the years and with the contribution of the skills of Finalab, Bio Chêne Vert knew how to enrich its catalog of services of diagnosis in animal health... (Autopsy examinations , parasitic and bacteriological), in analyses immuno--serologic (immuno distribution in gelose, inhibition of hémagglutination, Elisa), in the PCR ( molecular Biology), in the histological examinations and in the regulated analyses, our performances were constantly submitted to the COFRAC during these last 15 years, and represent 50 % of our activity today.

Always listening our partners, we know the concerns of our customers. The collaboration with veterinarians, engineers and technicians, specialists in pathology and in animal breeding of cattle industries, allows us to realize the most appropriate analyses (preventive or curative) for the breeders, the organizations and the industrialists.
Situated in the heart of the ponds of production, our laboratories worry to bring a local service and to assure an effective collection of samples.

Our key points 

  • Autopsy Analysis for animals (poultry, swine, rabbits, small ruminants) 
  • Parasitology, bacteriology ( identification of pathogen germsby mass spectometry (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus suis, Pasteurella multocida, Enteroccus cesorum), 
    - Antibiogrammes, CMI
  • Research and identification of salmonellas
  • Culture, isolation, identification and CMI of mycoplasmes
  • Serology (sector swine and poultry)
    - ELISA, (SDRP, BI, Gumboro, SIGT)
    - Fast agglutination on blade (mycoplasmes avian, Salmonella Pullorum Gallinarum)
    - Inhibition of the hémagglutination (IHA, e.g. Disease of Newcastle, Adenovirus EDS) - Immuno-diffusion gélose (IDG, e.g. virus influenza)
  • Waters analysis
  • Hygiene and anvironment Controls 
  • CMI and CMB of biocides or antimicrobial substances
  • Formations

A very big implication in the accouvage sector as well as the genetic selection in poultry and porcine is added to it.

Our commitments

Bio Chêne Vert makes a commitment to pursue its politics, introduced since more than 15 years, human, structural and analytical investment to protect you from quality services and adapted to your environment.

We make every effort to conform to the requirements of the NF standard IN the ISO / CIS 17025. The laboratories of Chateaubourg ( 35 ), Arzacq Arraziguet ( 64 ) and Secondigny ( 79 ) are accredited by the COFRAC (data available on We are also approved or recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture for a number of analyses.

Furthermore, we are capable of developing services of high technicality and obtained the approval Credit Tax Looks for ( CIR) attributed by the ministry of the education and the research.

As such, you can benefit from the CIR on the services of research realized in our laboratories.

  • ZI Bellevue 2 - BP82101 - 35221 Châteaubourg Cedexe

Tél. : 33 (0)99 00 33 43 - Fax. : 33 (0)2 99 62 30 65 -

  • Route de Samadet - 64410 Arzacq Arraziguet

Tél. : 33 (0)5 59 27 04 00 - Fax. : 33 (0)5 59 27 04 01 -

  • 47, rue du Poitou - B.P. 19 - 79130 Secondigny

Tél. : 33 (0)5 49 63 50 21 - Fax. : 33 (0)5 49 63 29 54 -

  • 2, rue du Cerne - Z.I. La Mongie - 85140 Les Essarts

Tél. : 33 (0)2 51 42 88 88 - Fax. : 33 (0)2 51 42 88 99 -

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