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Genindexe a brand of the laboratory Labofarm

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Laboratory LABOFARM and GENINDEXE merges within FINALAB.
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Our laboratories

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Cattle, Sheep


  • Bovins ombréeGenetic identification and parentage control by microsatellite markers ( ISAG panel + INRA)
    on sampling of blood (tube EDTA), cartilages, or hairs
  • Scannings 
    You have a loss of traceability? We can help you to restore ordre in your breeding
  • Study of genetic diversity (consanguinity)
  • Screening of Free Martinisme
    The freemartinisme is a frequent anomaly at the cattle during births gémellaires hétérosexuées. He is translated by an infertility of the female due to an abnormal development of his reproductive system. 
  • Analyses in pathology bovine : consult the site Labofarm
  • Consult the Price list

Moutons ombréeSheep 

  • Genetic identification and parentage control by microsatellite markers ( ISAG panel) 
    on sampling of blood (tube EDTA), or cartilages
    • Test of genetic predisposition in the scrapie of the sheep (PrP) 
      This test is based on the existence to the sheeps of a genetic determinism of the susceptibility or the resistance in the scrapie. The risk of development of this disease rests on a genetic polymorphism situated at the level of codons 136, 154 and 171 of the gene Prn-p coding for a protein of 256 amino acids. Five allèles different were so able to be identified and to associated to a more or less important risk of development of the disease to ovine races (ARQ, VRQ, AHQ, ARR, ARH).

Just ask by telephone or by Email, we supply you a bovine Kit of taking.

You just have then to send to us the blood samples taken in tubes and corresponding order form, you will quickly obtain your results between 5 days and 10 open days. 

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